Monday, October 1, 2012

4 people are willing to be baptized (Oct 1, 2012)


Glad you are back from China. Got the package, so heavy, but made me happy :) I think that was a record in package size received in the visitor center :) Everything I like, but a few I'll send back to keep since they might not let me wear it here. We weren't supposed to wear anything that attracts attention :) Like the food though, especially tang2 hu2 lu4 :) this week has been quite good. Lots of miracles still. We have four people who are willing to be baptized now. Two of them have a date in October, the other two we need to set the date. So the work is really picking up.

I think we have a really wonderful ward. Singles ward is great. Half of them are RMs and want to help out. The most recent ones especially. We have an RM from Hong Kong who said he'd rent a car to pick up our investigators, so amazing. He took the bus to go to lessons with us, since we can't take him (gender rule). We got a new rule that we absolutely cannot teach unless there is someone from the same gender within sight, and it can't be in public places either. So about 20+ people volunteered to help the elders, since they have to keep to the same rule. It's quite amazing.

We went to the visitor center with one of our investigators who has a baptismal date. Afterwards, when we told him about the word of wisdom, he told us he had a problem with smoking, but he said "no problem, I'll quit." Wow! so happy. He even said there is no problem he'd quit by saturday. :)

Our eternal investigator, amazingly, he even went up on the stage to bear his testimony this sunday. Even though he didn't say anything about doctrine truths, but he thanked everyone for being good examples. I think it's so cool. :)

We have a new investigator. He went to school at Cambridge study abroad with a lot of BYU students, and he was always impressed that they could hold to their values while he couldn't, even though they all believed the same values. Now he is back and he went on to refer himself to meet with the missionaries. So amazing, so we get to teach him and he already wants to get baptized no problem. He came to church this sunday and had a really wonderful experience. All the lessons were really good and inspiring. I think it might've been too inspiring though :) Sometimes I think we forget the they aren't used to all the spirituality that's there. He's ok though. He's happy.

I had president interviews this past week too. President Meredith is really so amazing. We talked about the spirit. He pretty much told me that we shouldn't expect to be led everywhere. It's not often that the Lord wants us to go to a specific place, because he has people prepared everywhere. sometimes He doesn't necessarily need us to go down a specific street. Also, he said that not all of us feel the spirit at the same time. Sometimes some of us needs some truth confirmed while others do not, since they already know it. Thus, when my companion feels the spirit, I don't have to, but could.

We had an amazing experience of prayer being answered. Well, a lot, but one of them is when our investigator told us he really wants to get baptized but wants to work out with his parents first. We prayed to know whether we should set a goal with him right then or in later lessons. And whether we should do 10/28 or 11/4. My companion prayed, but it was amazing that I knew the answer before she said it. We at first decided we are gonna pray for telling him right then and do it on 10/28. But as she prayed, she prayed for doing it later. And I juggled the two date in my mind, and 10/28 just kept being wiped from my mind, so when she said 11/4. it was no surprise to me. So amazing. Little things, but the Lord cares. :)

Hmm...a good quote "gospel is to help us in our trials, not after our trials."

Oh, and this webiste has lots of good short videos, so when you get chance, should see them :)

Ok, loves, kisses, hugs,


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