Monday, October 15, 2012


Hi Mom!

Ok, I have to tell you the BIG news first before I can think about anything else.

We got transfer calls yesterday. I'm not gonna be in Berkeley anymore. I'm going to San Francisco!! :) I'm gonna be in the 7th branch, the Chinese branch. So cool. I was totally not expecting to go to San Francisco at all, so it was a big surprise. This means that I'm not gonna be in visitor center anymore, for the next transfer and probably longer. I'm hoping I'll come back to Oakland area a few months later though. So San Francisco is full-proselyting, so no visitor center, and we get our morning studies everyday. My new companion is gonna be Sister Lao, the same companion as the one I had in the MTC :) Such a surprise, but quite happy. :) I'm packing today and have to finish. This is the second time I've had to pack, then you realize how much stuff you have... So anyway, that's the big news.

So this week lots of things happened. One of the people in our singles ward got married, our ward mission leader. They are such a cute couple. We got to go to their wedding and help out. They were just so happy and gleaming.

Saturday night in the VC was a miracle. We always set goals in the VC to see how many referrals we can get and how many tours we give. This time I really tried to listen to the Spirit when I set those goals. At the end of the day, we had three amazing girls come in. Two of them weren't members and were so touched by one of the presentations that they cried. One of the girls said she felt something special, she thinks it's God calling her to come back. So she left her information for missioanries to visit her. So amazing. So with that group, all of our goals were completed. No more, no less, exactly what goals we set. Amazing how when you listen to the Lord, he helps you accomplish the goals. :)

Sunday was a little sad cuz I had to say goodbye to a lot of people. I have to do it tonight too, since we have FHE. Transfers aren't until Tuesday mornings. I'm gonna miss Berkeley. In these few months I really got to know the people here. The members are so amazing and always willing to help. We can almost always get members to go with us to lessons and to give people rides to church. I think being a missionary you get to know a lot of the people personally. You get to see their spiritual side more than their fun side or whatever. The RMs are amazing. We know about four poeple who are already planning to go on missions after the age has been lowered. It's just such a good place. It's so pretty there too. We see beautiful sunrises every morning when we go running, and sunsets are just so pretty. So it's an amazing place and I'm sure I'll miss it. If I didn't know the Lord wanted me in San Francisco, they'd have to drag me to leave Berkeley. But I guess San Francisco is where he wants me to be. :)

Hmm...not much else happened. We are having a baptism this sunday. One of the investigators is ready :) So I'll be back in Oakland for his baptism. He's come a long way, from not knowing God to wanting to be baptized. He even tells us he wants to go on a mission. :)

One picture is of the Berkeley University clock tower, the landmark in Berkeley. The other one is of Berkeley toward the bay area. Quite pretty.

Anyway, loves, hugs, and hope you are ok :)


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