Tuesday, October 9, 2012

General conference week (Oct 9, 2012)

Hi Mom!

Sorry didn't email you yesterday. They cleaned the carpet in the family history center where we usually email, and yesterday was Columbus day so all the libraries were closed. But we get today.

I got a postcard from Justin and Bonnie again. :)

How is grandma? Are they happy in China?  sjz still have the church, right? She is still going?  God certainly appreciates your efforts while they were here:) My mom is so good. All the sisters here already like you and want to meet you. :)

So did Emily and Brooke and Cam come eat yet? Em sent a letter to tell me too. It'd be good. They are happy people :)

I know it's Dad's anniversary soon. I've been thinking about him too, but I think teaching about the plan of salvation gives me a much better perspective. He is in a good place. Though he is still evil dad to leave us. Alma 40 might help. http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?autoplay=true&index=1&locale=0&sourceId=b63b822d7ecc8210VgnVCM100000176f620a____&vgnextoid=bd163ca6e9aa3210VgnVCM1000003a94610aRCRD
I don't know if you got to watch the mormon messages yet, but they are really short and spiritual. Something to keep you mind occupied. 17 Miracles is good movie to watch too. Somethings to keep the day occupied :) Love you. :)

We watched all four sessions of general conference. It was really good. I really appreciated general conference more. Really modern scripture for each of us. :) I especially like Elder Gay and Elder Holland's talk. If you look through my Jerusalem pictures, somewhere along the JC folder you can find the talk Elder Holland gave to us in Jerusalem. It was so similar to the one he gave at conference. So powerful. I had to run to the bathroom right after to clean my face. Elder Gay, the general authority who visited our mission, I like because he is so directly but not blunt that makes you feel guilty. I guess you can say it is calling people to repentance without directly saying that.

What did you think about general conference? What did you like? How do you feel about the announcement? Maybe all these new missionaries would help to get prepared to open up China :)

We have an investigator who is getting baptized on the 21st. He is literally someone who was taught from the beginning. He didn't know if God existed at the beginning when we met him. For the last few weeks we met him, there wasn't too much difference. He loved what we taught him and wanted to keep meeting. He liked going to church and especially the people at church. But this last week we really saw the change in him. He had a story--the lost wallet. You know, when you lose something and expect that you can't find it and pray and then miraculously find it. He left it outside in Oakland, which pretty much means don't expect to see it ever again, but he went back after a whole night and it was still there. The miracle really changed him I think. That or something else. He was so much more spiritual. He got more out of reading the Book of Mormon and even explained the scriptures to us before we asked him what it meant. He watched a whole 30 minute movie--finding faith in Christ, without falling asleep or yawning too much. It's quite the progress. During institute right after, he even bore his testimony to a less active. He said the church really gave him perspective in life and he likes it and he is getting baptized. We were so proud of him, so happy. :) He is ready. He quit smoking too, as soon as we told him about the word of wisdom. No problem, he said. :)

Anyway, the week is good. Work is going forward. We get our transfer calls this week. We'll see if I stay in Berkeley or not. :)

Loves, hugs, kisses,

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