Tuesday, October 23, 2012

First week at San Francisco (Oct 22, 2012)

Hi Mom!!

How was your week? How is church this week? Are you eating well? Exercise? Piano? Any news?

So, I'm in San Francisco now, Daly City to be more specific actually. It is absolutely FREEZING here. The day I came I was wearing a light jacket and a summer skirt. I learned that night that it was not a good idea. Next day I was wearing my thickest winter coat. Sister Lao tells me I'm getting a nice day still! Anyway, two days later I was wearing wool scarves and two layer of tights. Freezing. I'm good though. At least we have a car, the elders have to bike.

San Francisco has been taken over by the Chinese people, I've decided. I didn't think it was possible to have so many Chinese people together outside of China in U.S. About half, if not more, of the people here are Chinese. Sadly, for most of them, their first language is Cantonese. Which means I'm attacking Cantonese now. Have to learn it fast or I'm not gonna be able to stop people. Most speak Mandarin, but won't continue the conversation unless it was in Cantonese. Anyway, Sister Lao is a good teacher, so I'll be good, hopefully.

The ward is quite good. Saw Aaron and Jade Wong yesterday. Quite happy. They are coming to UT around Thanksgiving, and they offered to bring something if needed, so I was gonna give them the package I was gonna send home, so I guess I'll send it later. The members are willing to help with lessons and with feeding us and giving us food. It's all quite good.

This week we got a really good referral. The guy had been learning from the missionaries before in Texas and he gradually started to believe in God. He moved to SF for job and tried to find the missionaries on the street, he went to the church building but it was on Saturday so no one was there. He eventually went on mormon.org and referred himself. He is quite amazing and is already ready to be baptized. :) We usually confirm appointments before we come, but last Saturday for some reason we forgot. We just went there and when we got there we realized it and was a little nervous when no one answered the phone call to open the door, finally we decided to just push the doorbell (usually lots of poeple live together so we try not to push doorbells if we can). He came down and told us that he got locked out of his work along with his phone and his keys so he couldn't get into his room and don't have warm clothes and has been sleeping on the floor. So it was good that we forgot to call, otherwise we'd've never came, and he'd never gotten help. He was so glad to see us and said he's been hoping we'd come even though he knew we'd try to confirm appointments. He said he's been praying :) And now, he has lots of time to read the Book of Mormon. ;)

Sister Chan (her grandma is Guo Mama in the Chinese ward) was the missionary here before. Anyway, we are having a baptism next week. He is a quite boy/man and always accepts what was taught but he does ask questions. Quite sincere. So big event next week :)

Our district is the San Fran Chinese district. Just us and two sets of elders. One set with our district leader, the other set is our zone leaders. Elder Lai, who was my district leader before from Singapore, is my zone leader now. :) Elder Guan from Fujian is the other one. Our district leader, Elder Ho is from Hong Kong. His companion, Elder Anderson is from Logan, UT. So we get a nice combination of everything here, different accents and so too. All of us are assigned to the San Francisco 7th Chinese branch. :>

Full proselyting, I found, is just different because there is a lot more tracting--talking to people on the streets and knocking on doors. We also teach English class. Have you been to the English class at our home ward before? How did they get those people to be interested in the gospel? But anyway, lots of variety, it's fun. We can't do street board or booths anymore, because it's illegal in SF.

We had a little miracle this past week, among the many. We tried to find a member to go with us to teach this investigator. But no one was available, we drove there intending to just stop by insteading of teaching, since we can't teach men without a woman there. On the way, we went past hte street we were supposed to go, but a few seconds down, we saw our member coming back from running on the street. We stopped the car and said hi, and she was willing to go with us to the lesson. It's amazing how everything works out. :)

Hmm...yeah, that's San Francisco. And that's my week.

Loves, hugs, kisses,

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