Monday, October 29, 2012

Twin companion & Fun Hollowen ! (Oct 29, 2012)

Sorry! Just had a rushed p-day, as usual. :) We tried to go to San Mateo today. It's a lot warmer and not foggy. We went to the gardens, that's where I took the pictures. 

We got a baptism just yesterday. Brother Wang from Zhejiang. He came to U.S. when he was in high school on exchange and stayed through college. His host family was Christian, so he was exposed to God but he didn't believe. Anyway, one thing led to another, he believed in God and wanted a Bible. He requested it on, so the missionaries came and gave him a Book of Mormon. So he started taking the lessons and now he has a great testimony. He bore his testimony at his baptism and all the missionaries were going "wow" because of what he said. :)

The members are really good at feeding us. We have a couple who give us food every week. Others are quite willing to feed you if you go to their place around dinner or lunch time. :) I hardly have to buy anything. So amazing. I think the members here are quite amazing. Their testimonies sometimes aren't shown on the outside, but when you talk to them, deep topics, you see. The benefits of being a missionary :) Amazing people really. The branch is small, but growing. Aaron and Jade Wong does a lot of the things here. Aaron (or as Brother Wong, we were supposed to call him) is in the bishopbric and is the ward mission leader and sunday school teacher. Sister Wong is the RS president. Both of them work a lot. Really the branch here needs them.

I think full proselyting is just tracting a lot. We probably do two hours of tracting everyday. A little intimidating to talk to people, especially since I don't speak Cantonese, but learning :) I think I understand conversations pretty well. I don't know every word, in fact, only about 30, but I know enough about the sounds from Mandarin that I know what they are talking about. Since most Hong Kong people understand Mandarin as well, I'll just speak in Mandarin from what I guessed in Cantonese.

We teach English class too. Not too many people come, only two regulars, but it provides an opportunity to talk to them one-on-one. We taught one of them how to pray this past week. Hopefully they didn't get scared away. :)

We are doing what they call "haunted housecleaning" on Halloween night. So we'd be moving furnitures and scrubbing the whole apt down. It's really interesting here in CA that really no one is planning on going outside to go trick-or-treat as far as I know. Too many stories of poisoned candy and other crazy things people do. It's quite sad.

Anyway, San Francisco is great.

I just got your two letters this week. We get mail slower here. Remember not to eat TOO much. If you have to, eat fruit :) or yogurt is good too. :) I'm the only person who is allowed to get fat 

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