Thursday, September 27, 2012

Weekly Miracles (Sep 24, 2012)

Hi MOM!!!

I think the emails are weird today, so if you didn't get the pictures, check hotmail
So, you are finally back in the U.S. now :) Make sure you eat well. Still need to eat even though grandma is not there to cook.

 How about grandma? Did grandpa know what was going on?

I got letter from both Faith (Sister Goimarac) and Emily this week, so happy :) Did  you know it takes a month for letter from here to get to Paraguay?

This week, there was lots of miracles. We had lots of things that were on the edge, but was resolved. One of our investigators' mom didn't want him to get baptized so soon, but he wants to, so we had to talk to him and figure out what he really wanted to do and help him to make the decision.

We had a investigator we are about to drop because it seems like he was on drugs half of the time and really don't have the desire to change, even though he feels great every time he sees us and even asked us, when am I seeing you again? It's really sad when you see people who knows there is something special about this gospel yet they refuse to change. :(

But, we had a great miracle. Last week we got a call from our eternal investigator, he says he doesn't want to meet anymore because he has lots to do. We were so sad because we know he is SOo good. He believed and knows everything is good in the church, but just have to regain his testimony. So we were so sad. We prayed for him a lot. I specifically prayed for him, asking God to create opportunities for him to reconsider his decision (I don't remember exactly how I worded it).

Anyway, so in sacrament meeting yesterday. It was our ward mission leader's turn to speak. He literally answered my prayer. He said he didn't know who his talk is intended for, but after he is done, I knew, along with many friend of this investigator, that the talk was for him. So amazing, God answers prayers. :) Anyway, after his phone call on Thursday, he agreed to meet yesterday to talk, so we sat down together with another member who was his friend before. It is really an inspiration to get her to come, and she had the prompting that she needed to come. We sat down and really, I thought this was pretty much the end of us meeting him. I really had hope that it wouldn't be the end though. We had fasted for him and prayed for him and pretty much I don't know what more we can do. So anyway, our member had a great idea for him and made a plan to do some things and pretty much everything is ok now. He is gonna search around, but will still keep God a part of his life and keep seeing us. :) We were so happy last night.

We also had a miracle meeting one of our new investigators. We were trying to contact one of our referrals. We were outside the apt complex and couldn't get in, there is passcode. We tried a few times before but nothing worked. This time, we were about to give up, and I pretty much punched the keypad randomly. And, I was Soo surprised that the screen said "Please Enter" rather than "Wrong Passcode." I pretty much stood there for a second not believing it, then just grabbed the door and went in. :) The thing is, the person we were trying to visit wasn't home.

So we were pretty much wondering what is going on. Why God let us in if we can't visit him. So we came down and there was a man sitting outside of one of the restaurants. We talked to him. Pretty much, he is the reason we were there. If we didn't get in to the apt complex, we would've left already and he would never had the chance to hear the gospel that day. But we did get in and he got to hear about the Church and we taught him the Restoration later that day and he is now looking into the church in addition to his own beliefs. It's amazing how God works huh? :)

Anyway, lots of good things happen this week. It was good. :)

Loves, Kisses, talk to you next week. :)


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