Monday, October 29, 2012

Twin companion & Fun Hollowen ! (Oct 29, 2012)

Sorry! Just had a rushed p-day, as usual. :) We tried to go to San Mateo today. It's a lot warmer and not foggy. We went to the gardens, that's where I took the pictures. 

We got a baptism just yesterday. Brother Wang from Zhejiang. He came to U.S. when he was in high school on exchange and stayed through college. His host family was Christian, so he was exposed to God but he didn't believe. Anyway, one thing led to another, he believed in God and wanted a Bible. He requested it on, so the missionaries came and gave him a Book of Mormon. So he started taking the lessons and now he has a great testimony. He bore his testimony at his baptism and all the missionaries were going "wow" because of what he said. :)

The members are really good at feeding us. We have a couple who give us food every week. Others are quite willing to feed you if you go to their place around dinner or lunch time. :) I hardly have to buy anything. So amazing. I think the members here are quite amazing. Their testimonies sometimes aren't shown on the outside, but when you talk to them, deep topics, you see. The benefits of being a missionary :) Amazing people really. The branch is small, but growing. Aaron and Jade Wong does a lot of the things here. Aaron (or as Brother Wong, we were supposed to call him) is in the bishopbric and is the ward mission leader and sunday school teacher. Sister Wong is the RS president. Both of them work a lot. Really the branch here needs them.

I think full proselyting is just tracting a lot. We probably do two hours of tracting everyday. A little intimidating to talk to people, especially since I don't speak Cantonese, but learning :) I think I understand conversations pretty well. I don't know every word, in fact, only about 30, but I know enough about the sounds from Mandarin that I know what they are talking about. Since most Hong Kong people understand Mandarin as well, I'll just speak in Mandarin from what I guessed in Cantonese.

We teach English class too. Not too many people come, only two regulars, but it provides an opportunity to talk to them one-on-one. We taught one of them how to pray this past week. Hopefully they didn't get scared away. :)

We are doing what they call "haunted housecleaning" on Halloween night. So we'd be moving furnitures and scrubbing the whole apt down. It's really interesting here in CA that really no one is planning on going outside to go trick-or-treat as far as I know. Too many stories of poisoned candy and other crazy things people do. It's quite sad.

Anyway, San Francisco is great.

I just got your two letters this week. We get mail slower here. Remember not to eat TOO much. If you have to, eat fruit :) or yogurt is good too. :) I'm the only person who is allowed to get fat 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

First week at San Francisco (Oct 22, 2012)

Hi Mom!!

How was your week? How is church this week? Are you eating well? Exercise? Piano? Any news?

So, I'm in San Francisco now, Daly City to be more specific actually. It is absolutely FREEZING here. The day I came I was wearing a light jacket and a summer skirt. I learned that night that it was not a good idea. Next day I was wearing my thickest winter coat. Sister Lao tells me I'm getting a nice day still! Anyway, two days later I was wearing wool scarves and two layer of tights. Freezing. I'm good though. At least we have a car, the elders have to bike.

San Francisco has been taken over by the Chinese people, I've decided. I didn't think it was possible to have so many Chinese people together outside of China in U.S. About half, if not more, of the people here are Chinese. Sadly, for most of them, their first language is Cantonese. Which means I'm attacking Cantonese now. Have to learn it fast or I'm not gonna be able to stop people. Most speak Mandarin, but won't continue the conversation unless it was in Cantonese. Anyway, Sister Lao is a good teacher, so I'll be good, hopefully.

The ward is quite good. Saw Aaron and Jade Wong yesterday. Quite happy. They are coming to UT around Thanksgiving, and they offered to bring something if needed, so I was gonna give them the package I was gonna send home, so I guess I'll send it later. The members are willing to help with lessons and with feeding us and giving us food. It's all quite good.

This week we got a really good referral. The guy had been learning from the missionaries before in Texas and he gradually started to believe in God. He moved to SF for job and tried to find the missionaries on the street, he went to the church building but it was on Saturday so no one was there. He eventually went on and referred himself. He is quite amazing and is already ready to be baptized. :) We usually confirm appointments before we come, but last Saturday for some reason we forgot. We just went there and when we got there we realized it and was a little nervous when no one answered the phone call to open the door, finally we decided to just push the doorbell (usually lots of poeple live together so we try not to push doorbells if we can). He came down and told us that he got locked out of his work along with his phone and his keys so he couldn't get into his room and don't have warm clothes and has been sleeping on the floor. So it was good that we forgot to call, otherwise we'd've never came, and he'd never gotten help. He was so glad to see us and said he's been hoping we'd come even though he knew we'd try to confirm appointments. He said he's been praying :) And now, he has lots of time to read the Book of Mormon. ;)

Sister Chan (her grandma is Guo Mama in the Chinese ward) was the missionary here before. Anyway, we are having a baptism next week. He is a quite boy/man and always accepts what was taught but he does ask questions. Quite sincere. So big event next week :)

Our district is the San Fran Chinese district. Just us and two sets of elders. One set with our district leader, the other set is our zone leaders. Elder Lai, who was my district leader before from Singapore, is my zone leader now. :) Elder Guan from Fujian is the other one. Our district leader, Elder Ho is from Hong Kong. His companion, Elder Anderson is from Logan, UT. So we get a nice combination of everything here, different accents and so too. All of us are assigned to the San Francisco 7th Chinese branch. :>

Full proselyting, I found, is just different because there is a lot more tracting--talking to people on the streets and knocking on doors. We also teach English class. Have you been to the English class at our home ward before? How did they get those people to be interested in the gospel? But anyway, lots of variety, it's fun. We can't do street board or booths anymore, because it's illegal in SF.

We had a little miracle this past week, among the many. We tried to find a member to go with us to teach this investigator. But no one was available, we drove there intending to just stop by insteading of teaching, since we can't teach men without a woman there. On the way, we went past hte street we were supposed to go, but a few seconds down, we saw our member coming back from running on the street. We stopped the car and said hi, and she was willing to go with us to the lesson. It's amazing how everything works out. :)

Hmm...yeah, that's San Francisco. And that's my week.

Loves, hugs, kisses,

Monday, October 15, 2012


Hi Mom!

Ok, I have to tell you the BIG news first before I can think about anything else.

We got transfer calls yesterday. I'm not gonna be in Berkeley anymore. I'm going to San Francisco!! :) I'm gonna be in the 7th branch, the Chinese branch. So cool. I was totally not expecting to go to San Francisco at all, so it was a big surprise. This means that I'm not gonna be in visitor center anymore, for the next transfer and probably longer. I'm hoping I'll come back to Oakland area a few months later though. So San Francisco is full-proselyting, so no visitor center, and we get our morning studies everyday. My new companion is gonna be Sister Lao, the same companion as the one I had in the MTC :) Such a surprise, but quite happy. :) I'm packing today and have to finish. This is the second time I've had to pack, then you realize how much stuff you have... So anyway, that's the big news.

So this week lots of things happened. One of the people in our singles ward got married, our ward mission leader. They are such a cute couple. We got to go to their wedding and help out. They were just so happy and gleaming.

Saturday night in the VC was a miracle. We always set goals in the VC to see how many referrals we can get and how many tours we give. This time I really tried to listen to the Spirit when I set those goals. At the end of the day, we had three amazing girls come in. Two of them weren't members and were so touched by one of the presentations that they cried. One of the girls said she felt something special, she thinks it's God calling her to come back. So she left her information for missioanries to visit her. So amazing. So with that group, all of our goals were completed. No more, no less, exactly what goals we set. Amazing how when you listen to the Lord, he helps you accomplish the goals. :)

Sunday was a little sad cuz I had to say goodbye to a lot of people. I have to do it tonight too, since we have FHE. Transfers aren't until Tuesday mornings. I'm gonna miss Berkeley. In these few months I really got to know the people here. The members are so amazing and always willing to help. We can almost always get members to go with us to lessons and to give people rides to church. I think being a missionary you get to know a lot of the people personally. You get to see their spiritual side more than their fun side or whatever. The RMs are amazing. We know about four poeple who are already planning to go on missions after the age has been lowered. It's just such a good place. It's so pretty there too. We see beautiful sunrises every morning when we go running, and sunsets are just so pretty. So it's an amazing place and I'm sure I'll miss it. If I didn't know the Lord wanted me in San Francisco, they'd have to drag me to leave Berkeley. But I guess San Francisco is where he wants me to be. :)

Hmm...not much else happened. We are having a baptism this sunday. One of the investigators is ready :) So I'll be back in Oakland for his baptism. He's come a long way, from not knowing God to wanting to be baptized. He even tells us he wants to go on a mission. :)

One picture is of the Berkeley University clock tower, the landmark in Berkeley. The other one is of Berkeley toward the bay area. Quite pretty.

Anyway, loves, hugs, and hope you are ok :)


Special email on Dad's memorial Day (Oct 12, 2012)


I got permission from President Meredith to email you today.

Hope you are doing ok. I know it is hard, but I also know you are MY mom and I love you.

I just want to share a song with you that I heard Sunday morning session of General Conference. I really love it. Hope it will help you today.

The song is called Does the Journey seem Long? You can click on the green square to listen once you put the mouse over the song

Lyrics are:

Does the journey seem song,
The path rugged and steep?
Are there briars and thorns on the way?
Do sharp stones cut your feet
As you struggle to rise
To the heights thru the heat of the day?

Is your heart faint and sad,
Your soul weary within?
As you toil beneath your burden of care?
Does the load, heavy seem
You are forced now to lift?
Is there no one your burden to share?

Let your heart be not faint
Now the journey's begun;
There is One who still beckons to you.
So look upward in joy
And take hold of His hand;
He will lead you to heights that are new ---

A land holy and pure,
Where all troubles doth end,
And your life shall be free from all sin,
When no tears shall be shed,
For no sorrows remain.
Take His hand and with Him enter in.

Take His hand and with Him enter in.

:) love you Mom.

Here is something else to help your day: Alma 36:3, Joshua 1:9, D&C 61:36, Ether 12:4, D&C 84:88, Alma 7:11-12

I think being on a mission makes me realize just how much God cares about each of His children. I know God cares about you and knows how you feel. I'm not there for you to talk to today, but He is.

I love you, Mom, and I'll talk to you on Monday :)


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

General conference week (Oct 9, 2012)

Hi Mom!

Sorry didn't email you yesterday. They cleaned the carpet in the family history center where we usually email, and yesterday was Columbus day so all the libraries were closed. But we get today.

I got a postcard from Justin and Bonnie again. :)

How is grandma? Are they happy in China?  sjz still have the church, right? She is still going?  God certainly appreciates your efforts while they were here:) My mom is so good. All the sisters here already like you and want to meet you. :)

So did Emily and Brooke and Cam come eat yet? Em sent a letter to tell me too. It'd be good. They are happy people :)

I know it's Dad's anniversary soon. I've been thinking about him too, but I think teaching about the plan of salvation gives me a much better perspective. He is in a good place. Though he is still evil dad to leave us. Alma 40 might help.
I don't know if you got to watch the mormon messages yet, but they are really short and spiritual. Something to keep you mind occupied. 17 Miracles is good movie to watch too. Somethings to keep the day occupied :) Love you. :)

We watched all four sessions of general conference. It was really good. I really appreciated general conference more. Really modern scripture for each of us. :) I especially like Elder Gay and Elder Holland's talk. If you look through my Jerusalem pictures, somewhere along the JC folder you can find the talk Elder Holland gave to us in Jerusalem. It was so similar to the one he gave at conference. So powerful. I had to run to the bathroom right after to clean my face. Elder Gay, the general authority who visited our mission, I like because he is so directly but not blunt that makes you feel guilty. I guess you can say it is calling people to repentance without directly saying that.

What did you think about general conference? What did you like? How do you feel about the announcement? Maybe all these new missionaries would help to get prepared to open up China :)

We have an investigator who is getting baptized on the 21st. He is literally someone who was taught from the beginning. He didn't know if God existed at the beginning when we met him. For the last few weeks we met him, there wasn't too much difference. He loved what we taught him and wanted to keep meeting. He liked going to church and especially the people at church. But this last week we really saw the change in him. He had a story--the lost wallet. You know, when you lose something and expect that you can't find it and pray and then miraculously find it. He left it outside in Oakland, which pretty much means don't expect to see it ever again, but he went back after a whole night and it was still there. The miracle really changed him I think. That or something else. He was so much more spiritual. He got more out of reading the Book of Mormon and even explained the scriptures to us before we asked him what it meant. He watched a whole 30 minute movie--finding faith in Christ, without falling asleep or yawning too much. It's quite the progress. During institute right after, he even bore his testimony to a less active. He said the church really gave him perspective in life and he likes it and he is getting baptized. We were so proud of him, so happy. :) He is ready. He quit smoking too, as soon as we told him about the word of wisdom. No problem, he said. :)

Anyway, the week is good. Work is going forward. We get our transfer calls this week. We'll see if I stay in Berkeley or not. :)

Loves, hugs, kisses,

Monday, October 1, 2012

4 people are willing to be baptized (Oct 1, 2012)


Glad you are back from China. Got the package, so heavy, but made me happy :) I think that was a record in package size received in the visitor center :) Everything I like, but a few I'll send back to keep since they might not let me wear it here. We weren't supposed to wear anything that attracts attention :) Like the food though, especially tang2 hu2 lu4 :) this week has been quite good. Lots of miracles still. We have four people who are willing to be baptized now. Two of them have a date in October, the other two we need to set the date. So the work is really picking up.

I think we have a really wonderful ward. Singles ward is great. Half of them are RMs and want to help out. The most recent ones especially. We have an RM from Hong Kong who said he'd rent a car to pick up our investigators, so amazing. He took the bus to go to lessons with us, since we can't take him (gender rule). We got a new rule that we absolutely cannot teach unless there is someone from the same gender within sight, and it can't be in public places either. So about 20+ people volunteered to help the elders, since they have to keep to the same rule. It's quite amazing.

We went to the visitor center with one of our investigators who has a baptismal date. Afterwards, when we told him about the word of wisdom, he told us he had a problem with smoking, but he said "no problem, I'll quit." Wow! so happy. He even said there is no problem he'd quit by saturday. :)

Our eternal investigator, amazingly, he even went up on the stage to bear his testimony this sunday. Even though he didn't say anything about doctrine truths, but he thanked everyone for being good examples. I think it's so cool. :)

We have a new investigator. He went to school at Cambridge study abroad with a lot of BYU students, and he was always impressed that they could hold to their values while he couldn't, even though they all believed the same values. Now he is back and he went on to refer himself to meet with the missionaries. So amazing, so we get to teach him and he already wants to get baptized no problem. He came to church this sunday and had a really wonderful experience. All the lessons were really good and inspiring. I think it might've been too inspiring though :) Sometimes I think we forget the they aren't used to all the spirituality that's there. He's ok though. He's happy.

I had president interviews this past week too. President Meredith is really so amazing. We talked about the spirit. He pretty much told me that we shouldn't expect to be led everywhere. It's not often that the Lord wants us to go to a specific place, because he has people prepared everywhere. sometimes He doesn't necessarily need us to go down a specific street. Also, he said that not all of us feel the spirit at the same time. Sometimes some of us needs some truth confirmed while others do not, since they already know it. Thus, when my companion feels the spirit, I don't have to, but could.

We had an amazing experience of prayer being answered. Well, a lot, but one of them is when our investigator told us he really wants to get baptized but wants to work out with his parents first. We prayed to know whether we should set a goal with him right then or in later lessons. And whether we should do 10/28 or 11/4. My companion prayed, but it was amazing that I knew the answer before she said it. We at first decided we are gonna pray for telling him right then and do it on 10/28. But as she prayed, she prayed for doing it later. And I juggled the two date in my mind, and 10/28 just kept being wiped from my mind, so when she said 11/4. it was no surprise to me. So amazing. Little things, but the Lord cares. :)

Hmm...a good quote "gospel is to help us in our trials, not after our trials."

Oh, and this webiste has lots of good short videos, so when you get chance, should see them :)

Ok, loves, kisses, hugs,
