Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ashling attends the byptism 8/29/2012


Well, Mom. Since I can't talk to you for the next few days, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  You are a super super awesome Mom and I'm SOOOO glad to be your daughter. You are AMAZING, Mom, and always remember that !

Hope you have a Great great week!

This week, two general authorities visited. I got a picture with Elder Rasband from the church missionary dept and who is in charge of visitor centers, we got a picture with him (we didn't even ask for one, our mission president just told us to stand in the picture :)

The best thing this past week is our zone conference. It's been so long that we get a whole block of time set aside for us to learn. We got it in MTC a lot--devotionals and firesides, but not so much, so zone conference is great. We have Elder Gay from the 70 to talk to us. He is soooo good. Our zone conference is 8 hours long, we took breaks, but even though he talked for 2-3 hours at a time, we never got bored. What I liked most about his teaching method is that he finds out your needs, then he asks you questions to make you teach yourself. It's an art.

One of the things he taught us was to work smart, not just hard. It's like what you taught me before--use your time wisely. :)

We actually got a little lost getting to zone conference because Concord wasn't on our map so we didn't know where to go and actually just went off of the directions of our district leaders. Ended up going to Martinez, beautiful drive, but not where we are supposed to go, almost went out of mission boundaries actually. It's ok though, we got there before Elder Gay. (He was late :)

Remember how I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger? Now I'm doing a lot of teaching, mission is teaching, and I didn't even realize it until now. :) Funny how the Lord works.

Baptism was great. Everything worked out. Lots of ward members showed up. There was refreshments afterwards. Program was printed and everything. Everything just went really well. It was short and sweet. We did it in 50 minutes. The talks were creative. I almost cried when I saw her and her friend in the baptismal font. Even our other investigator who was there said she felt something special, she felt very emotional. So good. I don't really know what to say, it's hard to express, but you know :)

We had to hand off one of our investigators. She is from Chile and speaks Spanish. She has been meeting with us cuz she wanted to learn English, but we and she agreed that it would be best to learn from the Spanish elders. This is right after the baptism, so we really know that she is not just here to learn English anymore, she is here to learn the gospel. So we handed her off on Monday. It was sad. It's hard to let her go but we knew it was best for her. It's kind of like having a child and sending her off to another family and hoping that the new parents are good ones and will get her to where she can be. But the elders were awesome. They are soooo nice and great. They told us that she should keep coming to our sacrament meeting since their meeting is far and she walks. They will teach her in Spanish, but because she comes to our ward her numbers count for our numbers (# of investigators attend sacrament and # of lessons taught). The elders were still willing to do this, they really are super awesome. They teach for the Lord, not for their numbers.

Also, our district are super awesome too. We did booth again this week, but we did it on university campus since so many students are coming in and don't know about the church. They did this purely for us because nearly everyone they would talk to here are students, since the other two companionships serve in family wards, they don't get anything. It's amazing, this mission. The people really do this all for the Lord, they don't care if they are the ones to baptize, but as long as they are part of the work. So great. I love our district. So yeah, we got 6 referrals that day, all done in less than one hour, which is amazing, a miracle in itself. So many people who don't know the gospel. I'm getting better at talking to everyone though. :)

Anyway, just so many miracles this week to tell. So many amazing people. A lot to learn still. :)

Transfers is next week, so we'll see what happens. :)

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