Thursday, August 9, 2012

See what Ashling eats every day?! (Aug 6,2012)

Hi Mom!

Today we have a district activity at 3pm, and we just came back from lunch at Chinatown, so I don't have enough time to talk, so I thought at least I'll send an email.

I got your package. I haven't opened it yet, but :) love packages.

We just bought Muer today. We are cooking all sorts of random Chinese food, it's really cool. We m this ade soup too this week. Sister Poon really likes hot/spicy food, so I have to be careful not to get us sick by eathing thoese things too much.

My Cantonese is certainly getting better though. I can introduce myself as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, and say random things like This is, and my favorite phrase "I don't know". :)!

I just got the letter your wrote on July 19 this past week, don't know why it took so long, but I got it.

Got your letter you just wrote on August 3. Haven't had a chance to read it yet, just got it today. But I did read a few sentences, so happy birthday to Grandma.

We have a new rule, we can email pictures now, so here are some attached. Next time you send package, can you buy a USB card reader for me, so I don't have to borrow Sister Poon's every time. :)

This week has been so amazing. First of all, we got 8 new investigators, which is like a lot, a lot. It seemed that everywhere we go--lessons, member dinner, church--there is always a member who brought or is with a nonmember. So, we got lots of new people. Quite a few of them are progressing, meaning they are keeping their commitments--reading the Book of Mormon, praying. Most people have finals this next week, so they are a little busy, but we still managed to set quite a few appointments. I have no doubt that at least a few of them will be baptized. :) So awesome.

We did a booth again this week. It was just two companionships, but we were quite outgoing. Sister Poon is just amazing all around. She got three people with their numbers and one of them even with an appointment, all within the space of little more than an hour. It's crazy. I really tried to talk to everyone, had a nice conversation with one guy, but he didn't end up leaving his info, but I did get two people to say they will go to the visitor center, and I handed out about 2cm thick stack of cards. I guess I'll never know if any of those will change those people's lives, but that's ok, I'm sure some of them will.

We've been getting more member dinners this past week, so it's all great. The member are really willing to help out with lessons and investigators fellowship.

Right now we have five lessons total. In preach my gospel, you can see. First four to be taught before baptism, the last one can be taught after.

About your questions, we can't answer all of the questions at that time. For example, we had a lady come in the VC who wanted to know if she could go in the temple, and got upset when she heard she can't. We had to go through the whole pattern of apostacy, lost of priesthood, restoration of priesthood, Joseph Smith, and modern prophet before she could understand why she can't go in to the temple. Other times though, questions are simple to answer, and we can explain more later. Book of Mormon and Bible differ in that they are written in different place. God loves his children in all places, and he "speak to one nation like unto another." So Book of Mormon is in the Americas, and Bible is for Jerusalem. Difference is location, but they are both God's words. That's usually how I explain anyway. I don't know what the situation is, but I do know that sometimes investigators' questions can't be answered because they are not ready to hear it, like the visitor center visitor lady.

Hmm...I want to send some pictures, so I'll stop here. :)

Love you tons, Mom!

"Greenie meal"

Brazil restaurant

My companion

The district center

1 comment:

  1. Go Sister Ashling!! She's already come so far. I'm so proud.
