Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ashling had fun P-Day (castles houses from neighborhood) - Aug 20,2012

Hi Mom,

Sorry, today we do actually get email time. Everything is so messed up. Next week we have p-day on Wednesday, so I don't know if I'll email on Monday or Wed, probably Wed 29th.

Of course I remember Dad and the things we did together. I have our picture there still, and one in back of my Book of Mormon. And sometimes I tell people about Dad.  :)

Hope Yolanda is ok with her sister loss.

 We moved apartments this week with the Berkeley elders. They had all girls in the complex so the president asked us to exchange apartments. We moved on Thursday. Took 5 hours to move all of our stuff :) But we had to wait for the elders because they also use our car to move their stuff. Anyway, so our new apt is smaller but brighter, so we are cool with it. We have gas stove now, more fitting for Chinese cooking.  Hmm...we used a lot of the soup things you sent because we pretty much didn't want to cook since we just want to get all the boxes unpacked. It's good.

 Hmm..this week is pretty busy too. Now that everyone is coming back from summer, we have lots of investigators and a lot of people bringing their friends to church. Yesterday, I hardly knew half of the people at church because there were so many new faces. But I love of the members, she came up to us and pretty asked us to tell her if we need her for any member present lessons. I think I'll probably be doing the same thing after I go back. :)

BUT, I have GREAT news. Guess what, Mom? WE HAVE A BAPTISM! It's this next Sunday the 26th. It's really amazing story. We got a call on Monday night from one of her friends. He said her friend has been reading the Book of Mormon over the summer and knows the gospel is true! She had met the missionaries before but her boyfriend didn't like us, so she stopped taking the lessons. But she broke up with him, and now she wants to get Baptized as soon as possible! Yep, so we taught her three times last week and will have four lessons next week so she can be baptized on Sunday. SO amazing. We about jumped around the room :) Oh, and guess what, she is Chinese.

I definitely think I'm in Berkeley for a reason. Yep. So as of yesterday, I've used every single language I know --- Mandarin, broken Cantonese, my high school level Spanish, Russian, even Hebrew and Arabic. It's really amazing. I think my Spanish is better than my Cantonese still, but I can understand lessons in both language now, roughly.

I had exchanges with Sister Smith on Tuesday in San Leandro. She is from London. :) And she made a really pretty breakfast for me. Fruit and waffle.

We did the booth again this week. We were only there for about 30 minutes, but had two really good conversations. One of them left her number. Most of them are quite interested in what the Mormons believe, and that's the question we posed on the blackboard so it was good. I learned that you really need to talk to Everyone because the most unlikely people at first glance sometimes are those who will leave their info to meet the missionaries.

I didn't have time to write journal this week, so everything is a little unorganized. Remember to take care of yourself, and ask others to help if things get broken or need help.

Love you Mom! Hugs, kisses.


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