Thursday, August 16, 2012

Aug 13, 2012 -- crazy week! (She ever has not time to say love me...poor mom)

So today is really crazy, we just got to the family history center to write email. Next week, we don't have p-day on Monday. We don't know our schedule yet, so just watch for my email sometime during the week next week, possibly on Thursday.

One of our sisters, Sister Lavea, who was my roommate in the MTC. She got a tumor in her chest and is going back to New Zealand next week, so all the schedules are changed.

We got a new sister from MTC a few weeks ago, her name is Sister Garcia. She was companion with Sister Lin. She would like me to tell you thanks for all the food you sent her because she got to eat a lot of it too.:) She really liked your dried vegetables, I think it's the one where you put in the soup, so could you send some to her and me too? She told almost everyone about you, so you are already popular here in the visitor center. Everyone loves you already :)
Also, could you send me some piano music? They are on the black shelf where all my music stuff is, they are in the folders. See if you can find Savior Redeemer of My Soul for violin and piano (there are two different sets), and walk tall you are a daughter of God.

So this week is a little crazy. We've been busy pretty much all the time. I found Aloe juice here in C-town, so I'll be ok with that.
I never got to write Cameron, Jerin, Lauren yet....I'll try next week.
I don't think I'm eating too much. is my face really getting fatter or are you just saying it?

We had YSA Conference this past week. It was really good. Speakers talked about the story in Matthew 14. The story is just like our life. We see the Savior, at first some investigators are afraid, but when they realize who he is, they want him to ask them to come. When we do go toward him, we realize that it is really hard and the waves crash around, and it challenges our faith, and sometimes we start to sink, but the Lord is there to help immediately. It is important that what Peter probably remember from the experience is not the fact that he walked on water, but that the Savior was there to lift him when he needed it. It was such a good analogy.

Two of our investigators came to church this week, YSA Conf and had Good  experiences. They are so awesome. Don't have time to tell much more, but it was so good.

The work is really picking up speed as everyone comes back from summer to school. We are getting lots of referrals from church headquarters. So good.
It's surprising how many Chinese people are here. We have so many of them come to VC and we see so many on the streets. A lot of them are super prepared and just needs the lessons. I got to talk to a few of them through email in the VC.

We had zone activity today and took lots of pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashling! Love the blog! Love to see that you are doing so great!!! xo
