Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July 30, 2012

Hi Mom! How are you??

The talk I gave was at the singles ward, so it was all members except my companion.

I remember Pioneer Day, and you have the day off. I was in the visitor center that morning and I had people watch a Pioneer Miracle in celebration of pioneer day. :) It was a slightly different story though, about a girl who didn't obey her parents and went to a place she wasn't supposed to. There was a rock-slide and she and her brother almost got killed, but miraculously got on the side to the way home. Years later, her brother was sick and said something about it and about angels coming to rescue her and him from danger. It was in the back of his memory, that he saw angels. So cool.

Well, my new companion is awesome. She is super hardworking and at all times she is doing something. Of course, we cook together, and that's great. She is always smiling and so encouraging, it's great. :) My Cantonese is not improving as fast as I'd like. I feel like I'm getting old. Information is not staying in my head as well as it used to. Studying the scriptures is so great every day, but I have a hard time remembering where I read what. It's alright though, the work is going. Sister Poon is so brave too, she talks to everyone at church and says hi. We cook together too, because we eat the same food now. We just went to Chinatown today, and is going frequently now. We ate lunch there too.

We had our mission president come and speak to us this past week on sunday. He talked about missionary work, of course. It was a great talk, made the people in the ward realize how simple sharing the gospel is--giving out card, it's a great website; or just take them to the visitor center because it is right nearby the temple and is a super pretty place with good views. Sister Meredith said, if you had a spot remover that could remove any stain, wouldn't you want to share it with everyone? The same thing with the gospel. It can help everyone, so why not share it. Anyway, it was great.

We helped out at an assisted living home this Saturday as part of our service requirement in the white handbook. It's really sad to see people there. Most of them are asleep all day because they got nothing else to do. Most of them can't even talk well now. The one guy who could speak doesn't have family because before, he worked all the time. It's really sad here, they have no one to visit them and they don't have much to do. They are all in wheelchairs. Anyway, it was good to talk to them a bit.

Our Chinese investigator is still doing great. She just came back from Disneyland. We met her for dinner, had a good lesson. Her parents aren't coming to the U.S., so it would be hard to get a baptism, but at least she'll have known the gospel.

So everything is ok. :)

Loves and lots of hugs,

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