Thursday, September 20, 2012

Me and my companion (Set 10. 2012)

Dear MOM!

Got your letter. The handwritten one and the dear elder. Good to know you got my card :) Makes me happy. Happy to know you had a great birthday too, so many good coworkers. Like I say, "see, you are so popular."
And thanks for the Costco address. It's funny cuz Sister Poon wanted to go to Costco this week, then I said, well, my Mom just sent me the address :)

Don't forget to eat Beijing duck there for me, and Yang2 Da4 Wan3...
So this week has been pretty much normal. We have three super awesome but tough investigators. One of them knows and believes everything but wants to get baptized when she is back to Chile which means it will be four months later and who knows what'll happen. One of them "knows" there is no God but loves to meet with us, and I think his heart is changing, because we invited him to pray and he finally did, and he loves to read so Book of Mormon is no problem for him. He is a tough case, but it's good to see that he is moving forward, if only a little at a time.
Our other investigator by all definition should be a Mormon except he is not baptized. He has a calling, he is friends with lots of people in the ward, he is in the ward directory, he reads the Book of Mormon, he comes to church, but his family is super opposed to him getting baptized. He doesn't want to break with his family, even though his family tell him they'll respect his choice. He knows if he keep meeting with us he'll be baptized, and he is still doing it despite what he knows about his family. So, lots of wonderful people whose hearts are prepared, at least deep inside. We'll see what happens. One thing I learned this week was that God always answers prayers of faith, but on his timetable.

It's like when Enos in the Book of Mormon prayed and asked for things, but he never told the Lord "I hope this will happen by this date"... So I think it'll all be alright. Also, we heard from someone in stake conference this week who mentioned the scripture "how great shall be your joy if you bring but one soul unto me," and he explained that there is really no way to bring Only One soul, that soul usually touches another soul in some way.

Wami, in her letter to me, mentioned how someone she taught, that person's son is serving a mission. So amazing, that everything you do has ripple effect.

One amazing thing happened this week too. We were gonna teach one of our investigator, and he brought lots of friend. The member we were gonna bring said she was busy, but my companion had the inspiration that she needed to ask her to come again, even though Sister Poon just texted her it's ok not to come. So that member came. It turned out that the member was gonna speak at stake conference that day and was trying to decide what to do, and she ended up speaking on a lot of what she heard in the lesson. So, everything happens for a reason.

Hugs and kisses!

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