Monday, December 3, 2012

Got new car! 1st lesson in Cantonese! (Dec 3, 2012)

We got a new district leader this week. The only new person in this transfer. Elder Davidson (sun1 zhanglao) from Virginia. He is quite funny. He came on his mission one transfer after us, he has to learn Chinese in the MTC.
THis week has been highly interesting. San Francisco is full of ... different...people. Lots of Filipinos, Chinese, and Hispanics. We got someone who yelled us us for pushing the doorbell, :)
Oh, great thing this week is that we got a new car. Completely brand new. It's a 2013 Ford Cruise :) Smells new, I had to open the window to be not gagged inside. It only had 75 miles when we got it. :) So cool. And guess what color it is? Sapphire  :) It took us a while to figure out how to work the car, too advanced. I like it. HOw did we get this car? Well, first of all, we hit our previous car. It was an accident. I pulled into the parking spot as the elders were opening the door. None of us saw the other until we heard the crunch, so our car had to get fixed, so we got a red car temporarily. The red car is old and needed to be sold. Elder Bailey, the mission vehicle person, had told the elders before to change the oil on the red car, but they never did, he also told another pair of elders, and they never did, when we got the red car, we changed it, not knowing that it was such a big deal for him. Then we get this call from him saying, because you did the oil change, you get the new car. :) Cool. Now we are famous in the mission home for changing the oil.
Also great this week is that we got a new investigator. Another golden one that is so prepared. When we asked her if she will be baptized once she knows what we teach is true, she said "of course!" :) So yeah. She is from Guangdong, so she speaks Cantonese. The member who introduced her to us is so awesome. She just got baptized in April in Hong Kong, and she is only here for three weeks, but she is sharing the gospel with everyone still. :)
My Cantonese is getting better, I think. I can understand what the topic they are talking about any time, but as for sentences and words, not so much. I can understand enough to add. I taught the first lesson to Sister Lao this week, all in Cantonese. It was really crazy, we laughed so much.
Had another experience tracting at Supermarket. A guy came up and started saying Joseph Smith is a fraud because he got charged and was in jail for fraud or something. He is an athiest and doesn't think God exists. So all I did was teach and testify, then testify and testify. At the end, he was silent for a few second and just said "I got to go." He had no basis for his arguments and he knew that I knew the Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith saw what he saw. It was quite interesting. Left him something to think about for sure.
Don't know if you saw the Christmas Devotional, but it's quite good.
This past sunday, our recent convert (Brother Wang) passed the sacrament to us :) and he bore his testimony too. so happy. Then another one (Bro Zou) got confirmed. So it's a pretty good sacrament meeting.
Got your letters. Glad you had a good enough Thanksgiving, especially with out me 

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