Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Eve (Dec 24, 2012)

Well, it is Christmas Eve already. I think time is just going by really fast. Tomorrow is Christmas. We have 2 dinner appointments tonight, so we'll have double dinner. Then we have one for lunch tomorrow, and one for dinner. I think we are gonna over eat for these few days. :) I'm really glad to be in Chinese branch, especially at this season. :)

The highlight of this week would be our zone caroling at Union Square, which is in the middle of downtown San Francisco. We did it right by the Macy's christmas tree, which is gigantic. We had lots of people who video and take picture. We had a table of materials out for them to take, and a lot of them took something. We had a quite outgoing Tongan elder who was really good at getting people comfortable enough to take things. There was only two companionships of sisters in our whole zone, and we went out to pass out materials and talk to people nearby half of the time. It was quite fun and quite happy.

It really doesn't feel like Christmas yet, maybe because most days are just the same for us. But, as Elder Holland says, what a good way to celebrate Christmas to serve the His children. :)

So we are quite happy. Planning on opening gifts tomorrow morning, before we have our regular studies schedule. Sister Lao got lots of packages. I got a letter from the Chinese ward at SL :), a purple package from Bonnie and Justin which I haven't opened, a card from Stephanie and Jason, and yours of course :) Quite happy.

Not much else going on. One of our less active member is going to change his work schedule and start coming to church every sunday. :) Another less active wants to go to BYU for some reason and so decided that he will come to church every sunday now.

Our baptism on the 13th is still quite solid. She is awesome. Our recent converts and forming their own little group :) They get along quite well. So happy to see them progress, getting the priesthood, passing the sacrament, and even talking about going to the temple and eternal marriages (). It's all good.

One of our recent converts introduced us to his friend, so brave. :) And his friend was slightly interested and agreed to learn more.

It's gonna be good. Hope your end will be good too. :)

Love you! Will call you tonight around 8pm.

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