Monday, January 21, 2013

New byptism confirmations, Yeah!! (Jan 21, 2013)

So this week has been busy. We taught 21 lessons this week, that's pretty good for this area.

On Sunday, Moon got confirmed. :) She is quite happy.

We've set a baptismal date with another two people. These two are friends. They are so great. One of them is super ready, loves church, had spiritual experience, just waiting for the date to do it. :) The other is so willing, she just needs to adjust her life a little. Joining the church is a big change for most people, especially here where most people have to work on sundays. I think that is the biggest reason why some of our investigators can't come to church.

Sister Chan is fitting well into the area. She had the personality where people just instantly likes her :) Kind of like my Mom :)

Besides that, not much happened, really.

Chinatown elders had two people baptized this past sunday. They were great friends two. It's funny, they said they remind each other to pray when they wake up. They found the church because they took turns being interested and got the other person there too :) It's my first time seeing two baptisms on the same day.

Sister Chan is cooking mostly. We are really eating lots of vegetables now. Enough on the meat :) we did buy a Costco chicken though, that's an exception.

We got a new senior couple. Elder and Sister Sawaya from Utah Provo area. Elder Sawaya taught at Marriot school of Business at BYU. They are in charge of our area for half of the time.

Um...yeah, that's it for this week. Not much happened.


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