Friday, January 11, 2013

First week of the 2013

We watched movies Monday night. Kung Fu Panda Holidays was quite funny. Our district leader laughed so much that the other elders had to shush him. :) It was funny. Brave was pretty good too, we speak with an accent like they had in the movie for a few days. :) I'm not very good with accents though.
This week has been really busy. Happy busy. We've got 8 investigators as of right now, and most of them are progressing (which means they are reading the scriptures, praying, or coming to church). We have a baptismal date for next Sunday, it might be moved, but hopefully she'll be ready. Her family had an emergency so she had to go back to China for a week, she just came back last Saturday. She is so good though. Will be happy to see her baptized. San Francisco has a lot of floating population. Another one of our investigators is going back to Hong Kong, but we'll pass her to the Hong Kong elders. Anyway, so happy to have the chance to teach these people. All the other areas are picking up speed on the work too. The season is good for the work.
One of our investigators had a really good member to go with us to her lesson, so she helped her a lot in understanding the difference between our church and the usual Christian church, things that she knew but had never considered to be in Christ's church. It's good to see her finally see there is more.
We've had lots of people who fed us these past couple of weeks, we're a little meated-out, so we decided we'll go vegan for the next week. Except, we got our transfers call this week. I'm staying, but Sister Lao is going to Berkeley University Ward!! :) I'm so happy for her! She is going to an awesome place. I'm way to excited and had to stop myself from telling her all about it. :) My new companion, starting from tomorrow, will be Sister Cherri Chan from Hong Kong. So I guess that means I'll still be learning Cantonese. (Carter Chung, one of the member in both Berkeley and SF, said 我的发音很准 ) Sister Chan is a very happy person. She is always smiling, and her eyes are so small like a slit :) She is really nice and personable. She is great friend with Sister Lao, her dad baptized sister lao's mom. Sister Lao says she cooks pretty well too. :)
Oh, by the way, I'm officially 105 pounds, ay...
At church this sunday, we were quite happy to have 2 less actives come back. :)
Because Sister Lao is leaving, we've been invited to meals, last night and today for lunch. :) 沾她的光了 :)
That's pretty much it. :) So I'll be spending Chinese New Year here in San Francisco, among all the Chinese people. :) It'll be cool.

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