Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy shopping day (Nov 12, 2012)

So today we are emailing in the Chinatown English class room, which they also use as computer class room, joint rent. So I get a little bit more time. We just came back from shopping in Chinatown. So crazy, bought lots of stuff. Is there anything you want me to look for here that's not in UT?
So this week, we took our investigator to the VC. He really liked the place. I think he is at the point where he has and will believe everything. So we watched Finding Faith in Christ. Have you seen it before? It's really good. Makes me tear up every time.
We also went on exchanges this week. It's different doing it with the full-proselyting sisters. Almost the whole day we spent out trying to visit people. We mostly knocked doors. Their area is Spanish speaking, so I couldn't understand much, but enough to know the topic. It's good. We almost had to tract in the rain, but 'tis a blessing it stopped right as we were parking to go out :)  I learned that I need to be more persistent when talking to people about the gospel. Talk more, give out cards later. :)
We had weekly coordination with Aaron Wong. He is sooo helpful. He always asks how the ward can help with each of the people we talk about.
This week I also got to eat dumplings at a less active's house. Haven't ate it for a long time. :) Our meeting with different less actives were really good. Three of them said they'd come to church on Sunday. Most of them have a hard time waking up though.
Scariest thing this week was that President Pearce asked me to speak in sacrament the day before. I only got about one hour of preparing time to prepare. It wasn't cool, but at least I didn't mess up. Talked, told stories, not too bad I hope. :)
We tracted for a few hours on Sunday, since all of our plans fell though. It must've meant to be though, cuz of the four people we talked to, three of them agreed to have us come back. One family was Bhuddist and wasn't wanting to talk at first, but keep talking and eventually it turned out that they accepted a pamphlet on the plan of salvation and will have us back to visit in a few weeks and talk about what they read.
It was really funny today. It's our p-day but we try to share the gospel when possible. When we were on the bus coming to Chinatown, Elder Ho, our district leader, talked to a woman from Cambodia in Mandarin for a while, then we joined in the conversation. Not two sentence in, Sister Lao knew that she actually spoke Cantonese and they just starting talking so fast and for the rest of the ride, they were talking about families and gospel and everything. Me and Elder Ho were really amazed at her. :)
So, that's my week. Not too much new things. Lots of shopping.

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