Tuesday, March 5, 2013

1st Week at Concord city (Feb 25,2013)

Can't believe it's only a week in Concord. feels like so much longer. The area is pretty much dead. First because I cam get to one end the other end of our area in ten minutes with out taking the freeway. pretty small place. good for the ward cuz that means there are lots of Mormons here, but we have less area to work with. The ward didn't have any baptisms last year, and only one this year with a miracle.

However, we've blessed this week with lots of new investigators. One we found while trying to visit a less active. That person moved but the new family was interested in hearing the gospel. We taught the Restoration to the Mom and she told us that she had been looking for a church for a long time. She didn't like the church she went to before cuz she said they were more concerned with getting her money than teaching her kids. She accepted everything--Apostacy, Joseph Smith, Book of Mormon. She said she already know this is something she wants for her family. We are so excited for her. We invited her to be baptized and she said ok. :) Seeing her this Wednesday. :)

Another one is from the recent convert here. She is having the missionaries teach both her sister and her boyfriend. We got her boyfriend. He is great and we are looking forward to him learning more too. We also got to teach two less active family's husbands. So it's going forward here. Really praying that we can keep this up.

Beside that, I'm not quite unpacked  yet. Mostly done, I'm just taking it slow for the rest. Apt is pretty good. Need some cleaning, but will be ok. It's really quite here.

Sister Boac is from Philippines, I just haven't took a picture with her yet. Sometimes I have hard time to understand her, but other than that, we are pretty good.

About being senior companion. It's really not too much different. At least what I think, but what I do somehow just comes out different. I was still a little hesitant about talking to people on the streets before, but now it's just a matter of talking to them or missing another opportunity, especially in this dead area, so we just end up talking to everyone, which is what we should be doing anyway.

Yeah, that's pretty much the week. :)

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