Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10, 2012

Hi Mom!

I got a postcard from Justin and Bonnie from the Alamo in Texas. Yeah!
So, apparently, I still get email time today. but I don't get time tomorrow. I didn't know until we got to the visitor center, so I didn't bring my journal and I hardly remembered what happened this past week.

Thanks for the package! Made me quite happy, especially because I got one and then another one the next day. :) Like the food. I started eater the squid-flavored chips and they were good. And yes, I'm sharing.
Hmm...visitor center was really busy on Saturday, so much that all of the rooms that could play movies were occupied and we have so many groups who can't watch anything. Sunday was pretty busy too but less so. Saturday is usually our busiest day. Today, Monday, is the least busy. Actually, we haven't taken anyone on a tour yet today.

We met our new mission president one-on-one on Wednesday. He is really nice. It was just getting to know all the missionaries and he has to get to know all 200+ of us. We went to the temple with them on Friday. The tradition is that departing missionaries go to the temple with them. The temple is closed until the end of this month, so they got to go earlier. usually they'd go the day before they leave their missions, when they'd be living in the mission home and have no companions, but all of us companions of those who are going got lucky. It's earlier so we can go with them. Oakland temple is quite cool, but I might be biased because it's My temple :)

We got a new investigator. We tried to visit his roommate, the girl whose parents are Jehovah's witness, but she wasn't home. He walked up right as we were about to leave, so he invited us in and we talked. Both of them are the kind who just want to know and not sure if he wants to do anything more than that, but we are really trying to get them to feel and do more.
We will have companion exchanges this next Saturday. I'll go with one of the sisters who is a visitor center trainer, and my companion will go with that sister's companion. That way we can learn from other sisters other than our companions. It should be cool.

Next Monday, it'll be back to the same schedule. I think we are having a potluck next Monday, all of us Chinese-speaking people and companions, including the Americans who speak Chinese. It's amazing, we have a few elders who are Americans born and raised in the states, and called to serve here on Chinese-speaking mission, and somehow they manage to learn both Mandarin and Cantonese in such a short time. I'm working on my Cantonese though, I know about four sentences now. I know...I'm working on it. It's just hard not having a Cantonese-speaking person around you all the time. :) All is well, though.

Hope you are still keeping up with the swimming and the piano practicing. :)
Say hi to grandparents, family and friends.
And most importantly, Happy Anniversary tomorrow!!
I do miss Dad very much...

Tons of loves,

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