Monday, July 23, 2012

more than 1/9 of mission time is gone: July 23,2012

Hi Mom!

I'm here. Doing good. Got your letters :)

It's hard to imagine that 2 months already gone by, more than 1/9 of my mission. What impressed me the most, like it did before, is that I can be even better.

I got my new companion two days ago. We haven't gotten actually transferred yet, we do that tomorrow morning, but I know her. We both served in the visitor center. Sister Poon is from Hong Kong. Speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. She is on a English-speaking mission, that's why they called her to Berkeley. She wants to learn Mandarin better even though she speaks quite well already, and it'd be great cuz I want to learn Cantonese. :) See, it's all just perfect. She is really nice and loves to cook Chinese food, has lots of ingredients, is super awesome missionary, so we'd get along just great. I'm really looking forward to it.

We are at the visitor center about 4 days a week. Every week is different. Of those 4 days, we serve either from 9-3 or from 3pm to 9, depends.

Ok, it's good to have our after-mission trip lined up already. My MTC companion Sister Lao and the other Hong Kong sisters told me to visit Hong Kong and they'd be there to take me around too. :)

Mother, you are supposed to practice piano!  That's what we said, remember? It's funny cuz when I first started I didn't want to either, but once you can start playing songs you like, then you really want to play. So just get better and better then you can play cool songs and you'll just want to get even better. :)

Sister Sampaio is leaving, so we've had dinners everyday this week. One of the members too us to Fenton's this ice cream place. They have gigantic-size icecreams, but quite good. Maybe I'll take you there later. :)

I really liked what you typed from Preparation PreceedsPower, (the missionary book) I remember when he said that but it's so good to hear it again. Sometimes I forget. All we are focused on is getting our investigators to progress (go to church, keep reading BoM, keep meeting with us, pray...) but we forget that God knows hte best and we shouldn't ask him to get them to keep their commitments... Thanks, Mom.

So I forgot to tell you in my letter last week about my two "crowning events." No, really, it's was just hte highlight of my week.

First of all, on Friday, we did a booth on one of the busiest street here, Shattuck and Center St. So we pretty much had a poster about the visitor center, with a little bit info about family history, then the three companionships in our district just stood at and around the poster and talked to EVERYONE. It was so scary. I had to make myself say hi. It was good though because I got two person's information, and the rest of the district got theirs too, so it was quite useful. We sang hymns, that was the most effective, caught people's attention and they smiled at us. We had a homeless guy who was ok at first, then he started swearing at us. We just kept singing and people noticed, way to draw more attention to us, guy. :) Anyway, we got one guy interested because of that, so you see, everything works out at the end. It was fun. Crazy idea, but fun, and useful.

The other thing is that I gave a talk in church on the 14th. I talked about Doing hte small and simple things because a lot of the members don't know that read the scriptures and pray often is a commandment. Anyway, so apparently it was really good, as people told me. I thought it was only ok. Glad for the chance to speak though.

This week, besides getting really excited I got Sister Poon...we got new missionary follow-up training by President Meredith. It's surprising how the Lord qualifies whoever he calls, President Meredith is awesome. We talked about the How to Begin Teaching section in Preach My Gospel, steps of finding, the Remeber This section at the very back, and how to help people keep commitments. It was funny because he just disected everything and, really, there is so much more meaning to Preach My Gospel than what is just written. We had practices after on begin teaching and keep commitments. I did ok, but definitely need to work on keep talking rather than having pauses that aren't necessary. Can't type all he taught us, but it was great. Oh, we also all shared our testimony. It's so good to see everyone is different than when we came. We used to say in Jerusalem "You've changed." :)

We finally gotten in contact with the Chinese girl we were teaching. She just freaked out about school, that's all. She said she got "really bad score" on math test. When I asked her, she got 12/15........You know, now that I'm a missionary, I'd like to think that it's not really bad at all, and she should keep meeting with us.  Anyway, she came on sunday for sacrament and people noticed and said hi, so that's good. (We've had member lessons in past weeks to get them to be more active in fellowshipping, so it's working)

Other than that, we have lots of potential investigators, people are starting to bring their friends to church again, so we'll be getting more. Summer is slow, but it's near August, the working is definitely picking up.

It's funny though, how we just seem to be at the right place in the right time. Last Monday, when I was here in the library, I got a guy who stopped me and gave me his number so he can meet with us, he wants to come back to church, he was member before. And last Saturday, I was standing outside waiting for our members to show up to a restaurant, a guy walked past and then walked back to ask where the church's address is, he just moved here. So cool!

And, last week we tried to visit a less active, he wasn't there, so we street-contacted a few people and two of them are willing to have the missionaries over. They aren't in our area, but it's so good to see that we were just there at the right time. :)

Anyway, too much good things to write down, so I'll just pause here, to be continued next week. :)

Love  you Mom!! Tons.  And hugs and kisses.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 17, 2012

Hi Mom,

Ok, so today is crazy. Visitor center is closed we can't email there. We are in the Berkeley Library right now and so many people wanting the computer so I might not get enough time. We have to reserve time, so I'll email you whenever I can.

The biggest thing of this week is companion exchange we had on Saturday. I got to go to a city called Hayward with our visitor center training, Sister Duran. She is a Spanish speaking sister so all her lessons were in Spanish, which is quite interesting. I understood about 5% of the lesson, enough to know what is going on.

The purpose of companion exchange is to learn from other sisters. She is really good, especially since she is our trainer and has been here for a long time. We talked about how to teach lessons from Preach My Gospel, to read the lessons over and over so we can have it in our memory, but not to recite from memory.

She used lots of good examples to teach, like making fist for us and someone's fist for God, have the fist follow the other fist with the other person's eyes closed. it's hard to follow, so we need prophet, which is a pencil that connects us and God. So we can follow God. Anyway, it's really cool.

We had a cool time at the visitor center that day too. We had a person come in who had met the missionaries but weren't able to meet them and they stopped coming. He really wanted to read a Book of Mormon and we gave him a copy. He read 3Nephi 11 and came back five minutes later and told us that he believes all of it. He said this is God's word and this is no longer faith, he already knows. So wonderful!! Some people are just really prepared. So cool.
Our investigators are doing ok. We are still trying to keep in contact. Thank you for your advice, Mom. I had come to the same conclusion. Really, now, I'm trying to make everyone feel like they are a friend while we are trying to teach them lessons. Hopefully they'll respond better.

I had a crazy thing happen to me on Wed though. We were in zone training and that means we do role plays to practice our teaching. We were teaching the commandment to keep the sabbath day holy. I had never taught it before and thought I was gonna fail. It was especially scary since I was assigned to work with our AP (assistant to the mission president). Cool thing happened though. I didn't know a lot, but I just started talking and words started coming. All of us were so surprised that the practice went quite well. I asked the right questions and said the right things, simple and to the point. It was great. I don't know what happened but it definitely wasn't me. I think the fact that I didn't know anything made me rely on the spirit more. So cool. :)

I am putting Chen Meng's name to the Temple every time I go. I am so glad for her process! Please say Hi to her and continue to encourage her. We do hope she has better life.

Please say Hi to our family and friends at church!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10, 2012

Hi Mom!

I got a postcard from Justin and Bonnie from the Alamo in Texas. Yeah!
So, apparently, I still get email time today. but I don't get time tomorrow. I didn't know until we got to the visitor center, so I didn't bring my journal and I hardly remembered what happened this past week.

Thanks for the package! Made me quite happy, especially because I got one and then another one the next day. :) Like the food. I started eater the squid-flavored chips and they were good. And yes, I'm sharing.
Hmm...visitor center was really busy on Saturday, so much that all of the rooms that could play movies were occupied and we have so many groups who can't watch anything. Sunday was pretty busy too but less so. Saturday is usually our busiest day. Today, Monday, is the least busy. Actually, we haven't taken anyone on a tour yet today.

We met our new mission president one-on-one on Wednesday. He is really nice. It was just getting to know all the missionaries and he has to get to know all 200+ of us. We went to the temple with them on Friday. The tradition is that departing missionaries go to the temple with them. The temple is closed until the end of this month, so they got to go earlier. usually they'd go the day before they leave their missions, when they'd be living in the mission home and have no companions, but all of us companions of those who are going got lucky. It's earlier so we can go with them. Oakland temple is quite cool, but I might be biased because it's My temple :)

We got a new investigator. We tried to visit his roommate, the girl whose parents are Jehovah's witness, but she wasn't home. He walked up right as we were about to leave, so he invited us in and we talked. Both of them are the kind who just want to know and not sure if he wants to do anything more than that, but we are really trying to get them to feel and do more.
We will have companion exchanges this next Saturday. I'll go with one of the sisters who is a visitor center trainer, and my companion will go with that sister's companion. That way we can learn from other sisters other than our companions. It should be cool.

Next Monday, it'll be back to the same schedule. I think we are having a potluck next Monday, all of us Chinese-speaking people and companions, including the Americans who speak Chinese. It's amazing, we have a few elders who are Americans born and raised in the states, and called to serve here on Chinese-speaking mission, and somehow they manage to learn both Mandarin and Cantonese in such a short time. I'm working on my Cantonese though, I know about four sentences now. I know...I'm working on it. It's just hard not having a Cantonese-speaking person around you all the time. :) All is well, though.

Hope you are still keeping up with the swimming and the piano practicing. :)
Say hi to grandparents, family and friends.
And most importantly, Happy Anniversary tomorrow!!
I do miss Dad very much...

Tons of loves,

Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012 (pictures)

July 2, 2012

Hi Mom!

It's so cool me and Jason have same birthday. :) Say Thanks to Stephie!

 Our mission is actually quite cold compared to other places, so we rarely wear short sleeves, which means I need some long-sleeved or cardigans to be warm.I thought they send to everyone. Hmm...I'll have to see. Check next this next week see if someone forward you an email that has their names in it. I might ask them to forward it.
We have a nurse at the mission office, and we can go to doctors if needed. Don't worry :)

It's summer so most of the Berkeley University ward is gone, only a few are bringing their friends to church, that is the most effective way for us.

You know what's funny though, when we go tracting the other day, about half of the people we met were Chinese. I don't know how they all just suddenly popped up. It's so cool. Sis Sampaio said I'm the first Chinese speaking missionary in Berkeley for a while, so I guess I'm here for a reason! :)

BUT, our Chinese investigator is doing awesome. She is so good and she is always coming to church and doing everything pretty much. I don't know if I told you, but her parents are not allowing her to get baptized cuz they read all the crazy stuff on the internet. Hopefully, when her dad comes, we can let him see what's the church really about. It's hard though, because he doesn't come until after Sis Sampaio leaves and maybe after I get transferred. She is doing great though, so good.

We are having more member lessons now. They are quite nice, there are a few that are really willing to help out with misisonary work. The truth is, there is hardly any work without members' effort, such as right now, so we are slow, but we are working on members spirituality also so they can realize how important their input is.

We met our new mission president on Friday. They have such a cool story of how they got called here. They were serving in the Richmond Virginia mission when Elder Nelson came to a mission conference and saw them from the stand. He thought he was gonna get called to speak but nothing happened. Then a week later he got a phone call, someone who sounds familiar but he doesn't know who, the man asked about his life and such. When Pres Meredith finally asked who it is, he just kept on talking. Finally at the end, the person said "This is Elder Holland." and asked for a meeting with them two. :)

So they got to meet President Eyring, actually, and accepted to be mission presidents, THEN they were told that they would be going to our mission. So cool. They are awesome. He is much like President Wade. Mission won't change much from what is done in the past. President Wade set up a good transition.

We met Pres Wade one last time before they went. He and wife gave us some advice for post-mission. They are great people. He actually will go work in the Church missionary Department. Maybe in the same building as you?

Oh, guess what. I had to take a Chinese group on a tour in the Visitor's Center. There is about 30 people and I had to speak Mandarin. Didn't do all that well, stumbled over a few words, but it was actually not bad. It's kind of sad to think that I need the gift of tongues in my own language, eh?

I am learning Cantonese though, not the least because nearly everyone in Chinatown speaks Cantonese and about half of the other Chinese speak Cantonese. Plus, Pres Wade said I should. So yep, I'm splitting my language study to half Mandarin, half Cantonese. It's hard to learn with just a teeny vocabulary book though, I had to ask the Cantonese sisters at the VC to check my pronounciation sometimes...I know about four sentences now, or maybe more :)

Anyway, the elder was really bold and asked the whole group to be baptized right there, a few actually accepted, so great! There are even more who decided to meet with the missionaries and one who told me they are definitely joining this church and getting his whole family too. It was great. You know, sometimes people come and go, but sometimes, you get to see the work done right here in front of you. :)

We had one person who cried really bad after God's plan, have you seen that yet? Visitor Center is really the bright spot. People come to you and most of them wanting to be inspired, and you have all the resources to do just that. I'm so glad VC is part of my mission. Now, I'll probably get assigned to San Francisco sometime, then I won't be in the VC anymore. We'll see.

Bad new is that I have p-day on Tuesday next week because we are in the VC all day Monday. So look for me Tuesday instead.

So loves you tons, Mom!!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

June 25, 2012

Hi Mom!

I found out that I can check mail everyday after visitor center if we are scheduled to be there that day, so I can get mail about three or four days after you send them. :)

Berkeley is the place we live in, our area also includes Oakland, Emeryville, and such because we are serving in a singles ward.

Our mission president is leaving this week. We are meeting him on Tuesday to say goodbye, and we are seeing our new pres on Thursday. President Meredith, the new one. He is really cool.

Some place don't take American Express, but yes, mostly I can use. I usually use my debit card though, because they don't charge fees. Sometimes credit charge fee.

We don't have place to buy lunch unless it's outside in restaurants, but we eat every meal, so don't worry, I'm eating pretty good. Plus, I found out I can cook the dishes grandma cooks a lot, not because I tried cooking it before, but because I ate it a lot. So eating is a good way to learn cooking too. :) We do cook lunch at our apts, but we have an hour total so I have enough time to do things, usually.

Sometimes people drop off food at the mission home so we can just take, but we buy the rest of our good at grocery stores.

Apt is about 25 minutes away from the mission home and visitor center. We drive, well, I drive. Guess what, they made me drive on my first day here. Apparently we are a mission who drives a lot, so we have 82 or so cars in the mission, with about 200+ missionaries around, drivers are in short supply, so I get to drive.

Dad is right though, CA drivers are really nice, if you turn on the signal, they'll let you in, mostly. We have a cute red Toyota Corolla. :)

Hmm... if you seen any grey cardigans, then I need one. I had a lot of things I wanted, I guess I'll tell you next week, then you can send it, so wait for my email next week. Also, I'll be sending you a letter with pictures, so look for that.

My luggages were slightly overweight, but my carryon was not full and really underweight. So I think I'm good, at least right now.

Our p-day, we don't really have a certain time, we can write whenever we want, but it's really busy because we have our usual study times in the morning so we only have from 12 to 5 to do what we need to do. I usually write you before we start visitor center at 6pm. We don't have a time limit.

Yeah, I know Sister Lin, she is really quiet and cute. She is the one who always have her hair half up in the pictures. I don't know which ones though, I think I only have a few pictures of her, check the name tags.

It's actually really cold here, we usually don't wear short sleeve, I'm already wearing the white jacket almost all the time. So if you send me any clothes, more like fall-winter clothes.

Yeah for piano lessons. Remember, have to practice :) You got keyboard working, right? If not, you can always get someone to help you, remember? :)

I like my car...but I guess you can do whatever. :)
Okay, I guess you can sleep in my bed. Just don't hit your head too often.

We actually pray around 10:25 now, since bed time is 10:30.
Didn't get to eat zongzi, people offered but they had the salty ones and I didn't like those, so no, but that's okay. You eat for me. My MTC companion made me cookies and dumplings, but she could only bring cookies since dumplings need to be in the fridge. She is nice, I only saw her once since we got here because she is full proselyting while I'm visitor center half of the time.

Can you get me Jenny's address and phone number? I think someone should visit her and Andy :)

We'll have lots of appointments next week. The Chinese girl I was telling you about, she is so smart. Everything we give her to read, she reads, and she remembers everything. We even had a date for her to be baptized, but her parents are in Beijing, and they sort of don't want her to yet. They are coming in late August, so hopefully we can convince them it's okay and we are not bad people like the internet say. She is really good though.

We found lots of people to teach next week. Lots of people say they just want to know about Mormons, not convert, but then taking lessons from us. We'll be okay. :)

I am really glad I get to be in the visitor center. Even though we don't get to see lots of people baptize, but it's cool to see them feel the spirit and sometimes even cry. We had a couple that was really prepared. When they came with their elders, we took them through presentations. We talked about how they felt here and the next step is to act on what they know--baptism. Then the elder ask them to be baptized and they accepted right there. So Cool!

Then we get people who ask lots of good questions. Then there are others who pretty much cries after presentations. Hey, Mom, maybe you could go to Temple Square and watch God's plan for His family, it's really good and I introduce the tour a lot. Bring kleenex though. :)

We are teaching a girl whose family is Jehovah's Witness, so wish me luck. You should ask your coworker about their Jehovah's Witness experiences...

Anyway, I'll send this now, hopefully you get it before I go.

Lots of loves,