Friday, June 8, 2012

Ashling will leave MTC on Jun 13, 2012

Hi Mom!!!

So happy to write you again. Hope you are okay and everything is going well.

Mother, I Can actually read in Chinese, you know :). So yes, I read your letter and understood all. Plus, my Chinese sisters here all like your handwriting.

Stomach still feels a bit weird. I think it might be the stress, but I'll be okay. I've been eating hotter stuff, soups and such.
I am sharing what you sent me. We haven't gotten through everything yet, but so far everyone likes the chocolate waffle thing.  The lichee was super awesome though. Love it :)

 You can send the medicine to MTC, If you send it on Monday, I should at least get it before I leave for the airport Wednesday morning.

Thanks for keep update on the blog. Could you post that I'm leaving June 13 so people know?

So this week in the MTC is rather emotional. First of all, all of my district left except the four of us going to Oakland. I love our district. We used to laugh so much and joke around with each other so much. Now, meal times are boring and we just sit and eat. But, I'm okay. Slowly getting over them. It's funny how someone you know only for three weeks can be such good friends with you. I think sharing testimonies together so often probably adds to why. THis, I guess, is my first transfer, I'll have to get used to it.

We read a scripture this week that I think is super great. 1 Nephi 7:17. When Nephi's brothers were binding him and saying bad words to him, he asked for the strength to burst the bands, but not for the Lord to burst the bands. It shows that we have to act instead of just get the Lord to do everything.

We went contacting this week, on the streets in Salt Lake.. We actually met a son and mother who was coming to SLC for tour. We totallytalked to them about the temple, how important it is, and my companion even got him to get a Book of Mormon. We got so excited when we left. I know not every street contact is like that, but I really like it. Surprisingly, since I'm not a people person.

We also went to referral center this week. It's this program in the church where the visitor center sisters get to chat with people who want to chat on It's really awesome. Some people have really sincere questions, but I was surprised at how many poeple just come on to waste our time. The few peopel that are sincere are worth it though. We talked to this Chiense person from Canada, he is really looking for God and had all these good questions. We got his address and phone so we could send the elders to him in Canada. Meanwhile, before the elders get there, we are gonna call him and make sure he is alright and teach him a bit. The whole program is so awesome. We don't just meet someone and never see them again. We keep track of them, which makes us see that we are not just saying hi to people but actually changing lives as Visitor center sisters. The church missionary dept came and talked to us five VC sisters. They said the VC sisters bring a lot of new peopel into the church. I'm actually now really happy that I get to be a VC sister. It's amazing the thigns we get to do on the computer to bring people to the gospel and give them hope. And of course, it just feels awesome to be a missionary at all.

I can't believe 1/18 of my mission is already over, I felt like I haven't nearly leanred enough. I guess that's why we have the rest 17/18 months. It's crazy to think that in a few days, I'll be out in the field on my first day and contacting REAL people and teaching them about the gospel. Scary, but for some reason I'm not too scared. It'll be alright.

Tons of loves, Mom. and I forgot to send you the exercise cards, so I'll send it with last package. Meanwhile, just keep swimming. :)

Loves, Meng

1 comment:

  1. Ashling!! What an adventure for you!!! We are all so proud of you but I know Dadvis especially proud and right beside you! Love you!!! xoxo
