Sunday, May 27, 2012


My p-day is whole day but I only have 30 minutes to write.

Glad to know you are doing fine. I have gotten all of your letters. I like getting your letters. Every likes letters, there is no too often. You can write everyday if you want.
You don't have to call me Sister Stout, I'm your daughter, mom, call me whatever you want :)
Yeah, I actually did dream about Dad. There was like a spider infestation, a lot of peopel died, but we lived through it. Then we were driving to some place through a desert and we were all in the car, three of us. Then we saw Jenny at the destination, a house. Then I woke up. I think I had the dream before. I don't know, it's interesting.
I was joking to my companion that you could cook something and ship it over. :) Don't though, it might get bad .The package was great, good job, Mom! I'm gonna try to see if the MTC delivers to COB for free, then I can ship you stuff too. Find out your address for COB, let me know. You can ship snacks to me :)

So happy you are staring piano lessons, swim, and read BOM (Book of Mormon) and PPP (Preparation Precedes Power). You are a good missioanry whether you go teach with them or not. I think you do enough just by going to church and meeting with peopel that way.

I can't send pictures to you because the computer is programmed differently here so it won't recognize the card. I'll just ship the card to you later and you can download the pictures. I did take some with my tag on.

So my MTC address is actually
Sister Ashling Stout
MTC Mailbox #163
CA-OAK 0613
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, UT 84604

My P-day will be different in California, I don't know yet.
This week we did a lot of practice teaching people. I pretty much only taught about the Restoration in Preach My Gospel. It's hard to start, because you have to get to know people and know their needs. I'm so bad at remembering what peopel tell me, but it's okay, I'm getting better. We have peopel pretending to be investigators that we teach, they are good actors. I got lucky, our investigators are really easy.

So the highlight of the week was in a workshop, we watched a mormon message video from president Holland. It was about how the book of mormon must be true because Joseph Smith would be mad to give up his life, his brothers, friends', the saints' life for a fake book he made up. If you can, watch that, it's really good. I cried.

It's interesting this week. We've been told that as representatives of Jesus Christ, we can promise things to people and have them fulfilled by the Lord. It's a comfort to know that. It's interesting to see how the simple doctrines affect peopel so much. We had investigators tear up just because we testified that God loves them and wants the best for them.

We had a devotional on Sunday from the Provo temple president. He talked about many miracles he sees in the temple. He was so spiritual, I cried then too. He talked about a time when a family went to the tempel to be sealed and there was one more child than currently alive. The mother said that they ahd lost a child when they were little. It's so amazing to see that miracles happen in the temple everyday. It reminded me when we got sealed and when I got my endowment. It's great to see the spirit so strong when you are bearing your testimony.

I'd never get enough time to write, so I have to go.

Take care of yourself. exercise. be happy.

Loves a bunch,
Sister Stout/Ashling
p.s. write to me by dearelder

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